Document reproducible research


Defined in the html tool. Builder to generate a website from a LaTeX document.


Defined in the paper tool. Builder to generate a LaTeX document from different pieces.


Extended in the paper tool. Builder to generate PDF from LaTeX document.

Combined example:

# load repro to gain access to PDF, Preamble, and HTML builders
from repro import *

# import join from os.path module to build platform-independent path
from os.path import join

# instruct SCons to store file signatures in a separate .sconsign 
# file in each directory
SConsignFile( None )

# create a hierarchical build, i.e., connect this SConstruct to 
# the one in the "proj1" folder
SConscript( join('proj1','SConstruct') )

# generate LaTeX document with preamble from different pieces
         packages = ['graphicx'] )

# make a PDF, named paper.pdf, out of LaTeX document
PDF( 'paper.ltx' )

# make a website, stored in PaperWebsite folder, out of LaTeX document
HTML( 'PaperWebsite','paper.ltx' )

Generated on Fri Sep 12 18:43:56 2008 for SLab-repro by  doxygen 1.5.6