Process data


Defined in the matlab tool. Builder to call Matlab in a convenient manner.

# load repro to gain access to Matlab, View, and PNG builders
from repro import *

# instruct SCons to store file signatures in a separate .sconsign 
# file in each directory
SConsignFile( None )

# loop over the different Matlab scripts to produce EPS figures
figs = []
for i in range(1,6):
    figs += Matlab( 'fig%d.eps'%i,None,
                    matfuncs =["SSSRRRFig%d('$TARGET')"%i])

# view EPS figures
View( figs )

# generate PNG figures, used for the paper website, from EPS figures
PNG( figs, density=100 )


Defined in the rush tool. Builder to process data using RSF/Madagascar command line programs.


Defined in the rush tool. Builder to process data using RSF/Madagascar command line programs.

Generated on Fri Sep 12 18:43:56 2008 for SLab-repro by  doxygen 1.5.6